ACE Ultra for Colours Stain Remover Spray 650ml Pack

ACE Ultra for Colours Stain Remover Spray 650ml Pack

Product Code: 005779

Packsize: 2 x 5 x 650ml


ACE Ultra for Colours Stain Remover Spray in a 650ml bottle is your go-to solution for effortlessly removing tough stains from colored fabrics. Its powerful formula penetrates deep into fibers to effectively lift and dissolve stains while preserving the vibrancy of your fabrics. With easy spray application, it's quick to use and perfect for tackling a variety of stains on clothing, upholstery, and linens. Trust ACE Ultra to keep your colored fabrics looking their best, stain-free, and refreshed.


Always read the label for the most up-to-date allergen information.

  • Advanced Stain Removal: Formulated with powerful ingredients to effectively remove tough stains from colored fabrics.
  • Color-Safe Formula: Specifically designed to protect the vibrant colors of your fabrics while removing stains.
  • Deep Penetration: Penetrates deep into fabric fibers to lift and dissolve stains at their core.
  • Safe for Most Fabrics: Compatible with most colorfast fabrics, with a spot-testing recommendation for sensitive materials.
  • Effective Odor Removal: Helps eliminate accompanying odors, leaving fabrics fresh and clean.

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Our Price £34.99

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